Commercial & Industrie
We also apply our experience to other industries. The resulting symbiosis of experience from various orders from different industries gives us valuable knowledge about new technologies or products, which we can also trace back to other orders outside the industry if possible.
Customers beside aviation industry are:
- Industrial companies (prototype parts / series parts etc.)
- Craft business (saddler / car garage / carpentry etc.)
- Private customers

Based on our know-how and our long-term partner network, we are the point of contact for all customers who value quality and flexibility. We are happy to talk to you about your projects and offer you a hand in the following topics:
- Painting work on various surfaces
- Repair work on various materials
- Composite
- Saddlery
- Design and material advice and procurement
“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success” - Henry Ford
Coatings for industrial and commercial parts
Motorcyle Parts

Business Interior Parts
Reception desk