Mission Statement
... for sustainable growth
Based on solid self-financing, SAI Swiss Aviation Interiors GmbH aims for sustainable growth in order to ensure the long-term economic success of the company. Through continuous investments in new machines and technologies, we create a high degree of value creation, which helps us to differentiate the market.
... for the Altenrhein site
SAI Swiss Aviation Interiors GmbH is clearly committed to the Altenrhein (SG) site, where all value creation is generated. Services and products are purchased from local partners where possible. We address the needs and concerns of the canton and the region.

... to employees
We are an attractive and reliable employer. We encourage and challenge our employees. The implementation of the management principles and the maintenance of the corporate culture are a central concern for us.
... in dealing with our partners
We are a reliable and fair partner and at the same time demand our suppliers to ensure our delivery capability at market-compliant prices with consistent and fair competition.
… towards the environment
We deal responsibly with nature and its resources.
… as a promise to our customers
We are oriented towards the needs of our customers and are a reliable partner for high-quality and complex cabin interior refurbishments at fair prices. With the satisfaction of our customers, we ensure the long-term success of our company.
…as a promise for quality
Quality and continuous improvements mean to us the fulfillment of the market requirements. A high level of training for our employees is the prerequisite for the development and production of safe and aviation-compliant products. We consider each service provided to be a reference for follow-up orders.
…creates responsibility.
As an important training centre in the canton of St. Gallen, we train learners. Our apprentices are our employees of tomorrow - through early and targeted integration we want to meet our demand for skilled workers.

Guiding principles
The guidelines of SAI Swiss Aviation Interiors GmbH set out the basic values that apply to the entire SAI team. All employees should think and act in the interests of the company in their actions and thus make a significant contribution to the company's success.
- What the client wants, we will achieve.
We set ambitious but realistic goals. We keep an eye on these goals and do everything we can to achieve them. - What we do, we do correctly.
The name SAI Swiss Aviation Interiors GmbH guarantees reliability and quality. Our customers can rely on us and measure us against these demands. - What we say, we mean.
We communicate directly, clearly and openly with ourselves and with our business partners and stand by our word. - How we shape our future is sustainable.
We work efficiently and profitably. In doing so, we take into account the environment, our environment and our safety and health.